Indoor Activities for You and Your Dog

When it’s too hot or too cold outside, or raining cats and well…of course dogs, there’s still plenty of fun…

How and When to Give Your Dog Digestive Enzymes

If you have a dog with digestive issues, digestive enzymes may be the solution, however before you go down that…

Healing and Hope Created by Socially Conscious Entrepreneurs

The days of a singular focus on shareholder value are being challenged by a new breed of leaders and entrepreneurs…

Mental Health Needs to Go Mainstream

Are you a little anxious, stressed out, or a bit depressed? It’s okay, many of us are. Even the most…

Will There Be Relief for Private Student Loans?

In a previous article, we briefly touched on refinancing and how that impacts private student loans compared to federal student…

The Difference Between Annuities and Bonds

The idea of retirement is refreshing and endlessly appealing. No more alarm clocks, no more suits and ties, no more…

Ways to Manage Matted Dog Hair

I think I spend more money on making sure my dog’s hair is perfectly coiffed than on my own. Just…

Cryptocurrency Is Everywhere – Should You Invest?

In a short 10 years, cryptocurrency has gone from something only tech junkies were concerned about to something all leading…

10 Simple Rules to Follow When Introducing your Dog to a Raw Diet

Health is at the forefront of our minds with the current state of the world, and our pets deserve the…

Types of Saving Accounts

People save money for various reasons, including purchasing a home, paying for college, renovating their kitchen, building a retirement fund,…